Tuesday 2 February 2016

Yang Arif Arif

(ini bukan tulisan tentang keArifan seorang Ito)

Tulisan ini, terus terang saja, terinspirasi oleh tulisan bapak Abdul Hair, penggemar serial Bicrosser, kemarin hari. Saya memiliki kekaguman terhadap beliau, yang sanggup mengolah pengetahuannya yang luar biasa ke dalam kata-kata yang ringan mengalir dan mudah dicerna. Jadi saya heran (dan senang) saat membaca kalimat ini di tulisannya

 Dan bagian terakhir itulah yang menginspirasi saya untuk membuat tulisan ini, tapi maaf, bukan JKT48 tapi saudara mereka di Jepang. Ya, saya suka AKB48 (dan akhir-akhir ini, Nogizaka46) namun lebih pada karakter dan proses interaksi dengan fans nya. Urusan musik dan lirik, itu lain hal. Musik yang bagus hanyalah bonus di grup grup semacam ini. Walau begitu, terkadang, musik dan lirik mereka bisa berkualitas dan penuh dengan (((KEARIFAN))) yang sulit dipercaya jika itu berasal dari sebuah grup idol atau sebut saja aidoru. Mungkin hal ini tidak terlepas dari sosok Akimoto Yasushi, sang kreator grup 48, yang genius bastard notabene adalah seorang profesor dan wakil rektor di Kyoto University of Art and Design. Dan ya, daripada terlalu bertele-tele langsung saja saya beberkan yag paling berkesan

1. 365nichi no Kamihikouki (AKB48 - Kuchibiru ni Be My Baby, 2015)

Life is a paper airplane
Flying on with my wishes
With all my might against the wind
Just progressing
Rather than compete for distance
How I flew, where do I fly to
Those are the most important things
Come, like my heart
365 days

2. Bara no Kajitsu (AKB48 - Sayonara Crawl, 2013)

If roses bore fruit, what color would it be?
If you tried biting into it, I wonder, how would it taste?
Among a garden of flowers that never knew the meaning of love
We are fruits of the rose

3. Green Flash (AKB48 - Green Flash, 2015)

Before the sunset changes into night
Let's leave today's sorrow behind
It's fine to take the slightly longer route
Maybe good things will be waiting tomorrow

4. Ikiru Koto (AKB48 - Sayonara Crawl, 2013) 

On that day I believed in “living”
No matter what you’ve lost, keep “living”
That everything will pay off someday is “living”
Even if you’re about to break under the pain, keep “living”

Perhaps I’ve reached the summit
I’m under the illusion that I’m above the clouds
The thin air is making it hard to breathe
Am I happy or unhappy?
Where has my youth disappeared?
Why have I reached a standstill?

For people to be people, we “move forward”
We receive courage by “moving forward"
Break down those invisible walls and “move forward”
No matter how many times you fail, keep “moving forward”

Even if the sun begins to set, keep “living”
Even if you’re surrounded by shadows, keep “living”
“From this moment on” “Once more”
“From this moment on” “Once more”
“Move forward”

5. Kaze wa Fuiteiru (AKB48 - Kaze wa Fuiteiru, 2011)

In the worst, even if the wind has stopped 
There's nothing in this world where the wind has disappeared 
No matter when we should try breathing 
On this day called "today" 
Yes, even if this day is tough

6. Nandome no Aozora Ka? (Nogizaka46 - Nandome no Aozora Ka, 2014)

We don’t know when the next blue sky will be
So look up at the sky now
Start something you can do today
I’m sure you’ll notice the next blue sky on your own
Even if you’re tears are overflowing, the sun won’t blur
It will make you even stronger

7. RIVER (AKB48 - RIVER, 2009)

Inside your heart too
A river is flowing
A river of sweat and tears!
Even if you make a failure
Even if it makes you cry
It is OK to start over
Don't say any complaint
Cling onto your dream
Until the day where your wish come true

8. Yume wo Shinaseru Wake ni Ikanai (AKB48 - Himawarigumi 2nd Stage, 2008)

You haven’t forgotten your dreams
Stand up now!
Set alight
The hope that smoulders in your heart!
You haven’t forgotten your dreams
Remember them
They’ll give you a path
All the way to the place you’ve set your sights on

Just turn your back
On the crowd
And set out walking
On your own
With your own determination
You can go anywhere
So come on, start walking!